The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Super typhoon Doksuri approaching, 40℃ heat ahead of rainstorms

Source:GDToday 2023-07-26

Doksuri, the fifth typhoon of the year, had strengthened to a super typhoon level on the evening of July 24. It is forecast to make landfall on the coastal areas between east Guangdong and south Fujian from the night of July 27 to the morning of July 28. Under its influence, Guangdong is expected to experience a change of weather pattern from high heat to heavy rain this week.

At 8:00 on July 25, Doksuri's center was located in the east ocean of Luzon Island of the Philippines, about 620 km southeast of Ngoluanpi, Taiwan Province. It is forecast to move northwest at a speed of 15-20 k/h, maintaining its intensity or slightly strengthening.

As of 15:00 today, Guangdong has issued a total of 32 typhoon warnings, mainly in the eastern coastal areas.

The cloudy weather pattern will extend into July 26 for most parts of the province, accompanied by scattered thunderstorms and local rainstorms. Most of the province can see highs of 35℃ to 38℃, some reaching 39℃ to 40℃.

Doksuri is forecast to bring heavy to torrential rain with isolated rainstorms and high winds to east Guangdong from July 27 to 29. Meizhou, Shantou, Chaozhou and Jieyang in east Guangdong will be mostly affected.