The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Chancheng District tops Foshan in market entity growth 2023-04-10

According to the data provided by Chancheng Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, 25,300 new market entities were established in Chancheng District in the first quarter of 2023, with a year-on-year increase of 30.74%. The total number of market entities reached 307,300, with a year-on-year increase of 29.47%, ranking the first in Foshan.



As the central area of Foshan, a leading manufacturing city, Chancheng District has a unique advantage: tertiary industry topping five districts in Foshan. In the first quarter, 24,400 new tertiary industry entities were established in Chancheng District, which contributed 96.26% of total new entities.

It is worth mentioning that the development of strategic emerging industries has also shown a delighting trend in Chancheng District. In the first quarter, more than 1,300 new strategic emerging industries were established, covering areas in digital creativity, electronic information, new energy research, high-end equipment manufacturing industries.

In addition, encouraged by the recent policies, 19,429 new individual industrial and commercial enterprises were established in the first quarter, with a year-on-year increase of 38.50%. These self-employed market entities mainly concentrate in clothing retail, household goods wholesale, daily necessities sales, trade agents, catering services and other service industries. Individual enterprises in Chancheng District account for more than 60% of all market entities, which have always been an indispensable force for economic and social development.


The growth of market entities benefits from the continuous optimization of business environment. In recent years, Chancheng Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has been providing high-quality services and optimizing service processes for enterprises. Chancheng District will continue to make every effort to create a market-oriented international business environment.