The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Pingzhou Bridge opened to foster greater Guangfo ties 2022-03-16

On March 15th, the grand bridge (named as “Pingzhou Bridge”)  across Dongping waterway, is officially put into operation

Pingzhou Bridge, as the key project connecting Pingdong Avenue and Changjiang Road over the Dongping waterway, is the first cable-stayed bridge with a single-pylon double cable plane.

Pingzhou Bridge is designed with a length of 475 meters, a width of 46.5 meters. There are 3 panes in both directions, with a maximum speed of 60 kilometres per hour. Additionally, it is the first bridge with two functionalities in Foshan, supporting both railways and road traffic.

The construction of Pingdong Avenue and Changjiang Road starts from Xinshi Road and ends with Guangzhou-Zhuhai West Expressway. Currently, the majority part has been finished. Nanhai District will take on the next steps in completing the facilities like pavement and decoration along the road, aiming to achieve full operation soon.

The operation of Pingzhou Bridge will effectively improve the transportation in the east part of Guicheng Sub-district and tighten the connection between Nanhai District and Guangzhou. With the help of better integration, there is an opportunity for Nanhai District to expand jade-related industries and boost the regional economy.

Through conjunction with Nanhai Tram Line 1, Nanhai District will further utilize its regional competitive advantages, hence, playing a more significant role in Guang-Fo city integration.