The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Well-trained police dogs went instantly viral in Guangdong

Source: 2022-02-08

"'Gege', go ahead!" At the order of Li Hua, deputy captain of the police dog squadron of the Nanhai Public Security Bureau, “Gege” went straight forward, turning around the jar and sniffing with its nose. Within 10 seconds, Gege seemed to find something and called the police. When Li Hua checked the jar, there were really some suspected items like credit card, mobile phone card and U Type Shield.

As a criminal investigation search dog, Gege can help the police to complete various tasks, in which collecting physical evidence of telecom fraud is its "specialty".

In the police dog training base of the Nanhai Public Security Bureau, when Gege ran across the reporters’ camera bag, it leaned down beside the bag and barked loudly at Li Hua, implying there was an electronic product or a memory card in it.

Gege is a Springer Spaniel with long nose and a strong sense of smell. It’s also a hunting dog with strong body and good stamina. “Gege is 4 years old this year. It’s one of the senior staff in the training base.” Li Hua said.

The reason why Gege could quickly identify the electronic products and memory cards in the photo bag is that it has received this kind of search training, and has shown its skills in provincial competitions. In the Second Guangdong Police Dog Professional Skills Competition held at the end of September 2021, Gege won the champion of searching competition with the highest score, completing the most challenging task.