The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Location of Shimen No.1 Middle School finally unveiled

Source: 2022-06-06

Good news comes that the sitting of Shimen No.1 Middle School will be set in Lishui Town, Nanhai, which stands by Lihu New City and covers an area of about 12 hectares.

Located in the south of Liguan Road, Shimen No.1 Middle School is close to the planned Lihu New Town, and it is easily access to the Liguan Road Station of Lishui Tram Line, which is under construction. With regional advantages, the settlement of quality education resources will empower more possibilities for Lishui Town.

As a development engine of urban and rural integration in Nanhai, Lihu New City released its overall planning in 2020, planning an area of about 5.6 square kilometers and a population of 120,000, and it will be built into a Guangzhou and Foshan metropolitan Circle Water Capital, RBD Core Area, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Green and Health Industry Demonstration Area and Lingnan Culture High-end Resources Cluster Area.

Lihu New City

Currently, a number of key projects in the area have been started, including the Nanhai tram Lishui demonstration section, Lihu New City Central Axis Park and other major projects.

This year, Nanhai District will continue to increase the investment in educational resources and plans to complete the expansion and reconstruction task for 18 schools. It's expected to see its enrollment rising to over 16,000 for compulsory education.

To provide more premium education resources, Nanhai District will further build a new campu of Shimen Middle School this year, and complete five projects, including Middle School of Nanhai Experimental School and teaching building of Shishan High School.