The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Down to 1 min, faster transportation to Guangzhou 2022-03-28

On March 22nd, Foshan First Ring Expressway Tunnel Project of Guangzhou-Foshan Road (广佛新干线) has officially come into operation. Through the tunnel, it only takes 1 min to pass the crossroad.

Located in Dali Town, Nanhai District, it starts from the west side of where Guangzhou-Foshan-Jiangmen-Zhuhai Expressway and Guangzhou-Foshan Road intercepts, and ends at the interception with Yanbu Avenue Flyover. With an overall investment of 405 billion yuan, the mainline is designed with a length of 1.21 kilometres, a traffic capacity of three panels in each direction and a maximum speed of 80 kilometres per hour. 

On March 22nd, the mainline is in operation while the construction of relief roads is expected to complete by the end of May. Once completed, the interchange of Guangzhou-Foshan-Jiangmen-Zhuhai Expressway to Guangzhou-Foshan Road will be fully operated.

After the completion of the tunnel project, the time to cross the road has been lowered from a maximum of 20 minutes to 1 minute. As the largest hardware market, Guangfo International Mechanical and Electrical Hardware City nearby has benefited from the improvement in traffic.