The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

HK carpenter built the world's largest wood planer base in FS 2022-07-14

Walking into Foshan Nanhai Mujingfang Tools Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Mujingfang"), one will see shelves after shelves of wooden tools - such as axes, scribers, squares, grindstone knives, hand saws. You will just be amazed by this kingdom of wood making. Behind all these was an inspiring story by He Wenjie, a Hong Kong master furthering his dream in Foshan.

Traditionally, China has kept woodworking as a craft for thousands of years. As the chairman of Mujingfang, He Wenjie was introduced to wood planers at the age of 15. After he turned 18, he moved to Guangzhou to start his own business, starting a precedent for large-scale production of wood planers. After Hong Kong returned to the Chinese mainland in 1997, he seized her expansion opportunites and moved the factory from Guangzhou to Lishui Town, Nanhai Foshan.

Now, his family ran a kingdom of wood planers. His brand has grown into the world's largest wood planer production base, as well as a world-renowned supplier of hardware tools. This April, "wood tool making skills" has also be inclued on the 7th list intangible cultural heritage by Nanhai District.