The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Beware of norovirus infection as new school year kicks off 2023-01-02

Recently, the Health Commission of Guangdong Province released an e-map of fever clinics (consulting rooms) for residents in Guangdong's 21 cities. According to the changes in fever clinics of different cities, the e-map will update the information of fever clinics in a timely manner. People can find the nearest fever clinic quickly by the following steps:

1.Log in to the WeChat mini-program "Yuejiantong" (粤健通).

2.Choose "Fever Clinic Query" (发热门诊查询) and the system will automatically show the nearest fever clinic (consultation room) according to the user's location.

3. Select the fever clinic (consultation room) for treatment, and then click "Go here" (到这去) to start the map navigation.

In addition, the e-map supports various search modes, such as screening by districts and cities. The residents can click "Make a Phone Call" (打电话) for more information about treatment and medicines.