The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Attention! Don't slap this insect with your hands

Source:GDToday 2023-06-06

Recently, the topic “#My Face Has Been Disfigured By Rove Beetles#” has become trending on Chinese social media platforms. If you encounter rove beetles, please refrain from swatting them away. Be careful, as they can cause dermatitis.

Rove beetles are yellow and black and look like ants with wings. They appear in large numbers from June to September each year and are found in weedy and humid areas. The hotter the weather is, the more active they become. Rove beetles perform phototaxis and fly towards lights at night.

(Source : Yangshipin)

Rove beetles do not bite humans. However, when they crawl on human skin, people often unintentionally crash or squash them, leading to the release of the toxin paederin that causes dermatitis.

Paederus dermatitis has a high incidence during the hot summer in South China, accounting for 9.3% of dermatological diseases.

How to get rid of rove beetles?

If you find a rove beetle on your skin, do not pat or rub it with your hands, the correct thing to do is to blow it away or shake it off.

If a rove beetle appears in your home, glue it with tape or catch it with a tissue and throw it away. Do not touch its fluids.

What should I do during the seasons when rove beetles are active?

1. Wear long-sleeved clothing and carry repellents when visiting parks, suburbs, countryside areas, etc.

2. Clean the home regularly to keep the indoor and outdoor environment clean to prevent the breeding of rove beetles.

3. Install screen doors and windows in your home. Avoid using strong lights at night, and avoid using your phone in the dark as it attracts rove beetles.

4. Before sleeping, check your bed to avoid crushing them.

What can I do after contacting rove beetles’ fluids?

If a part of the body has come into contact with rove beetles’ fluids, do not touch other parts of the body with it. After washing the skin with clean water or alkaline soapy water, seek medical attention in time and explain the situation to the doctor.

If symptoms resembling paederus dermatitis show, seek medical attention immediately. Do not apply ointments randomly or scratch the affected area with your hands, to prevent secondary infections.