The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

One case of cholera reported in Guangdong

Source:GDToday 2023-07-27

One case of cholera was reported in Guangdong in June, according to an announcement released by the Health Commission of Guangdong Province on July 25.

What is Cholera?

Cholera is an acute intestinal infectious disease caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae. The two outbreak seasons are summer and fall, when people are susceptible to the disease.

Cholera, also known as "No. 2 disease", is listed as a category A infectious disease in China. The O1 and O139 Vibrio cholerae will cause acute and severe symptoms, and spread rapidly and widely.

However, in recent years, the cholera cases found in Guangdong are mainly caused by non-virulent Vibrio cholerae, which leads to mild symptoms.

How do people get infected with cholera?

Cholera is an infectious disease that gets transmitted through the oral-fecal route, including contaminated water and food as well as close contact in daily lives.

Most recent cases of cholera in China have been traced to contaminated food, especially seafood (for example, shellfish).

In coastal areas, improper eating methods such as raw food, semi-raw food and salted raw food are frequent sources of cholera infection. While in inland areas, the risk of cholera increases when raw and cooked food are mixed in food processing.

What are the symptoms?

The incubation period lasts from a few hours to five days. The major symptoms of cholera include:



The persistent vomiting and diarrhea often cause more severe symptoms such as:


Circulatory failure

Muscular spasm


Acute renal failure

Acute lung edema

Without timely and standard treatment, critically-ill patients may die within 12 to 24 hours.

How to prevent it?

To prevent cholera is mainly to prevent the illness from finding its way in to the intestine by the mouth.

Five Dos:

Wash your hands regularly.

Eat well-cooked seafood.

Safely reheat leftover food.

Keep raw and cooked foods separate.

See a doctor if you have symptoms.

Five Don'ts

Do not drink raw/unfiltered water.

Do not buy food from unlicensed restaurants.

Do not eat rotten food.

Do not go on binge eating and drinking.

Do not touch items that may be contaminated and unsterilized.

At present, there is no specific medicine for cholera. The main treatment is targeted at the symptoms, such as timely replenishment of water and electrolytes, supplemented by antibacterial treatment. People suspected of having cholera infection should seek medical attention promptly.