The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Data Explorer | 19th ICIF concludes with over 4 million visits 2023-06-12

The 19th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF), China's flagship cultural fair, wrapped up on June 11 in Guangdong's Shenzhen. More than 500 activities were held at the main venue, the Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center, and 64 sub-venues across the city, recording over 4 million visits.


A total of 3,596 exhibitors participated in the five-day event online and offline, including more than 300 overseas exhibitors from over 50 countries and regions. More than 120,000 pieces of cultural products were exhibited, gathering 25,736 overseas buyers and visitors from 108 countries and regions.

Furthermore, the total turnover of projects on ICIF this year reached 3.42 billion RMB, hitting a new record high.