The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Foshan to hold the 9th Zhangcha Bamboo Shoot Food and Culture Festival 2023-06-15

On June 24, the 9th Zhangcha Bamboo Shoot Food and Culture Festival will be held in Foshan Xihuali Food Culture City, consisting of diversified activities including interactive singing and dancing performance, launching ceremony, and bamboo shoot king competition.



Additionally, special activities organized at sub-venue in Xihuali Central Plaza are also worth anticipation. A 4.38-meter large plate with an estimated 6 tons of bamboo shoot porridge will be set for all the participating citizens to enjoy the delicious porridge. The bamboo shoot plate will try to declare the world's largest plate of bamboo porridge of Guinness World Records.



Also, the Bamboo Shoot Camping Carnival will also be held in Wangjiegang Park in July, which will create a bamboo shoot music stage based on the fusion of modern trends, with bands performing on the stage for the public.



Zhangcha bamboo shoot is golden on the outside and white as jade inside, with no slag but only fragrance and sweetness in the mouth. Next, Zhangcha will continue to build its own cultural brand through regional characteristic IPs such as the bamboo shoots, striving to promote the upgrading of its cultural tourism industry.