The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Nanhai's California bass listed as national quality farm produce 2023-05-09

Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has recently launched its 2023 list of high-quality agricultural products. Nanhai's California bass was successfully selected, becoming the only listed product of Foshan.



Nanhai has well-developed water network, beautiful ecological environment, and a long history of aquaculture. In 1984, Nanhai successfully introduced and bred. California bass in just two years. Jiujiang, known as "Hometown of California bass in China", has a California bass breeding area of more than 660 hectares, becoming the unquestionable California bass distribution center of China.



In recent years, Nanhai has further promoted the high-quality development of California bass business through promoting industry-research cooperation and increasing research investment on bass fry breeding technology.



The modern aquaculture industry developed from traditional Mulberry Fishpond has helped Nanhai win the title of "China's hometown of freshwater fish fry breeding". In 2022, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and aquaculture in Nanhai reached 12.5 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 7.5%, of which the aquaculture output value exceeded 5.49 billion yuan.


"Nanhai will focus on creating brands of its freshwater fish business this year, applying for geographical indication trademarks such as 'bass', formulating standards for fry and aquaculture, guiding enterprises to apply for trademarks, and building brand cluster for 'Nanhai freshwater fish'." Said Luo Weihai, director of Nanhai Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau.