The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Lively dragon boat race lights up Shunde this winter 2022-12-14

Drums beat and flags wave on the river...On December 10, the 2022 Village-level Dragon Boat Race was kicked off in Lecong Town, Shunde. A total of 27 teams competed fiercely in the Men's 200M and 500M straight boat race, fighting for the champion honor.

Dragon boat teams are ready to head on.

Guests attending the event held cinnabar pen to “light up” the eyes of dragon boats, wishing the athletes to achieve excellent results in the race.

With the order, each team strives to be the first on the river.

Powerful slogans, waving oars...Athletes are trying their best to reach the finish line.

The fierce competition of dragon boats on the river complements with the natural scenery of Shaliang River Park, showing a pleasant urban environment and strong cultural atmosphere in Shunde.

The exciting event attracted a lot of citizens and they recorded the wonderful moments with their phones.

As a "novice" of dragon boat, Zeng Jinbin from Chen Deng Vocational and Technical School said he was very lucky to participate in the competition, and the atmosphere of dragon boat and the good facilities have provided a strong support for the promotion of dragon boat races.