The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Chuanlord Park's penguins get popular this October 2022-10-09

During this National Day holiday, people tend to travel in a short distance and have fun in the nearby area. As a festive tourist attraction, Chuanlord Tourism & Leisure EXPO Park is a hot destination during the holiday, seeing over 110 thousand tourists in 7 days.

From October 1 to October 7, the park was immersed in a festive atmosphere with 7 themed activities for National Day holiday. Tourists can have fun while feeling the charm of Chinese traditional culture.

"Our park has been committed to building a festive tourist park for more than 20 years," the park's events planer said, "during the holiday, we incorporated intangible cultural heritage and guochao (a trend that shows young people's interest in domestic products that incorporate Chinese traditional style and culture) into the park’s activities. People can experience some quintessence of Chinese culture."

The park's home of penguins was also opened to tourists. Humboldt penguins made their first appearance in the park. This species of penguins, which live in the temperate zone, were actually introduced to China many years ago. 

The park's design team spent more than three years building a natural home similar to the west coast of South America, which is the hometown of these penguins and the penguins quickly adapted and settled into their new home.