The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Come here for a pinky dreamy getaway 2022-10-05

With sunshine climbing up to your shoulders and wind gently touching your face, it is time for you to go outside and capture the happiness during the holiday.

Tell you a secret, HAiCiTY in Nanhai District is the best place to take Instagram style photos.

Pink Weekend

Under the sunshine, the western restaurant “Weekend” has turned into a castle in the fairy tale, decorated with pink walls and lucid show windows.

Industrial style stairs in red

Criss-crossed stairs in red, vast sky in blue, lovely sunshine in orange, they are perfectly the perfect background for your creature. Smile to the camera, and it is good to post.

Stylish architectures 

Through the mixture of colours and combination of shapes, those stylish architectures present the sensational integration – arts and modernization.

The graffiti wall is another spot that you should not miss. Look at the mass and contrasting colours used, you could feel the passion and innovation outburst from artists.

It's photo time. Bring your camera and embrace this lovely Autumn.