The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

What is the purpose of Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone celebrating Enterprise Service Month? 2023-10-26

To optimize the development environment for private enterprises, Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Hereinafter referred to as FHIDZ) has taken concrete steps. On September 5th, FHIDZ Enterprise Service Month was officially launched, with 122 activities held in succession. These activities aimed to provide resources to enterprises, enhance their management capabilities, and empower their development.



At the launch ceremony, Hu Xuejun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of FHIDZ, stated that Foshan has designated September 27th as Entrepreneur's Day and Talent Day, which reflects Foshan's respect for talents and entrepreneurship. FHIDZ, for the first time, launched the Enterprise Service Month in September and polished it as a brand for enterprise services. The purpose is to develop the "Biz Foshan, Best for You" Service System, unite efforts to create a first-class business environment, and foster more specialized and outstanding enterprises in various fields, making a greater contribution to the city's efforts in creating a new era in modernization.

Regarding the content, this Enterprise Service Month has launched a series of initiatives for the difficulties encountered during the enterprise development. Taking the 122 events as an example, the content covers areas such as intellectual property and technology transformation, enterprise management, industry services, talent services, financial services, digital services, and policy promotion. The aim is to provide continuous support for enterprise development from multiple dimensions.



Financial services play a crucial role in the development of enterprises. As one of the key events of this Enterprise Service Month, the first FHIDZ Financial Service Enterprise Competition has also been launched. The competition is divided into financial group and investment and financing institution group, with awards such as "Total Contribution Award" and "Specialized Service Award". As a result, award-winning institutions will then be recognized as the prior recommendation and received prior support from FHIDZ in policies and project cooperations.

During the launching ceremony, FHIDZ also unveiled a "One-Stop" service platform. This online service platform is newly launched by FHIDZ, integrating service resources from eight major aspects including Enterprise Service Station, Enterprise Financial Services, Enterprise Government Affairs Services, Enterprise Instrument Sharing, etc.

It is worth mentioning that, unlike common service platforms, FHIDZ's "One-Stop" service platform not only provides efficient and convenient government affairs services, such as 29 municipal-level administrative approval services related to economy and construction, but also integrates market-oriented forces to connect enterprises with specialized and market-oriented service resources, thereby supporting the economic development of enterprises.



Sun Cixing, General Manager of Neusoft Innovation Park, stated, "The combination of government guidance and market forces instills greater trust in the services we provide to clients. By joining the enterprise service resource pool, we are able to leverage our strengths and better align with the needs of enterprises, resulting in more targeted and effective services."

During the event, plaques were awarded to excellent enterprise service cases, exceptional enterprise service specialists, outstanding organizational units for research assistants, and remarkable contributing units. The Management Bureau of FHIDZ Shunde Park, as a representative of outstanding cases, has nurtured 27 listed companies, 1,137 high-tech enterprises, 216 "specialized, sophisticated, and innovative" enterprises, including 10 national "Little Giant" enterprises, and 5 national-level incubators.

Regarding enterprise services, Yang Yansheng, the director of the Management Bureau of FHIDZ Shunde Park, emphasized the need for a shift in traditional mindset and the innovation of approaches and methods. In addition to offering supportive policies, it is crucial to provide services that cater to the diverse needs of businesses throughout their entire life cycle, effectively being a reliable "servant" for enterprises.

In addition, in order to fully leverage the exemplary role of Party members and leaders, FHIDZ has established a vanguard team of Party members to provide targeted services to meet the practical needs of businesses, with a focus on technology, talent, finance, and policy services. Ye Xinbiao, a member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of FHIDZ, as well as the Secretary of the Party branch within government agency, presented the flag to the vanguard team at the event.

After the launching ceremony, there were four informative sessions held on improving the competence of enterprise service specialists.

Cultivating "hard" power through "soft" services

FHIDZ showcases its true capabilities

Since the beginning of this year, FHIDZ has actively constructed the "Biz Foshan, Best for You" Service System to assist enterprise development. It has established the first batch of nine enterprise service stations, selected 78 institutions to form an enterprise service resource pool, and launched a "One-Stop" service platform. Additionally, they have implemented an accelerated cultivation program for high-growth enterprises and developed thousands of research assistant positions. These efforts aim to enhance the development of enterprises by providing comprehensive and high-quality services.

The report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC has stressed the importance of creating a favorable environment for the growth of technology-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and optimizing the development environment for private enterprises. Currently, across the country, various regions are taking practical measures to improve the development environment for private enterprises, and Foshan is no exception.

Foshan is one of the regions in China with the most prosperous private economy. Since 2023, FHIDZ has followed the instruction from the Municipal Party Committee to strive for achievements and explore new paths in high-quality development. Through enhanced enterprise services and continuous improvement of the innovation environment, Foshan aims to retain and facilitate the growth of businesses.

Building a platform

Helping businesses achieve an overall revenue growth of over 10%

Since the beginning of this year, FHIDZ has organized multiple company delegations to explore international markets.

In February, FHIDZ organized 72 companies to participate in the 17th Automechanika Exhibition (Shenzhen), achieving an intention order amount of nearly 800 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 5.1%. In March, 18 medical equipment companies participated in the 2023 Cologne Dental Show in Germany, and obtained nearly 100 potential customers.

Organizing company delegations to compete for orders and market share is just one aspect of FHIDZ's efforts to build an industrial cooperation and exchange platform. In addition to industry matchmaking, FHIDZ also establishes an enterprise service platform that offers online one-stop services and offline door-to-door services.

On September 5th, FHIDZ's "One-Stop" service platform was officially launched, integrating services from 8 different areas to create a multifunctional and convenient online space for enterprise services.

Offline services are also impressive. This year, FHIDZ has established the first batch of 9 enterprise service stations and formed a dedicated team of 100 professionals to provide crucial support for enterprise services. So far, they have successfully served companies for over 5,000 times.

In addition, FHIDZ has also created an enterprise improving platform, offering training courses such as the High-tech Lecture, Industry Acceleration Training Camp, and Pioneer Incubation Class. These courses cover the whole enterprise lifecycle, all business domains, and every management process, providing comprehensive support for the growth of companies.

For example, this year, FHIDZ has established two flagship acceleration laboratories, namely the "Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone Industrial Digital Upgrade Laboratory" and the "Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone High-tech Industrialization Start-up Team Acceleration Laboratory". They have selected and focused on nurturing 81 enterprises.

According to the official from the Enterprise Service Bureau of Foshan National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, "The results of this acceleration program are highly notable." The companies empowered by the acceleration system have achieved an impressive 12.6% increase in their overall revenue. Six of these companies have been awarded the title of national high-tech enterprises, while three have received recognition as provincial-level "specialized, sophisticated, and innovative" enterprises. Additionally, one company has been included in the national-level specialized and innovative "Little Giant" program.

Establish channel to solve the deficiency of capital investment

Technology innovation cannot live without capital. Deficiency of financing support has long been a major obstacle for tech-oriented enterprises.

As one of the important technology innovation platforms in Foshan, FHIDZ has strived to cultivate high-tech enterprise group and provide financing support. Remarkably, it has made extensive effort in developing enterprises financial service this year.

This year, FHIDZ has established several financial cooperation channels. From the establishment of financial service innovation center, special section for FHIDZ on Provincial SME Financing Service Platform, to customized financial products jointly created by FHIDZ and financial institutions, a series of channels have been released to assist the enterprise development.

According to the data, the relevant line of credit has reached 48.647 billion yuan and the total loan amount 18.945 billion yuan. 111 financial products have been released on the special section for FHIDZ on Provincial SME Financing Service Platform. The number of newly registered companies has exceeded one thousand. Over 750-million-yuan capital application has been collected through the special section. Additionally, there are 40 new enterprises conducting intellectual property pledge financing, with the total capital funding of 250 million yuan.

Apart from solving the deficiency in capital funding, the matchmaking of innovative resources should be also placed at priority.

Stated by Hu Xuejun, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee, and director of the Management Committee of FHIDZ, they has established matchmaking channels for innovative resources in key regions across the world. It aims to collaborate with worldwide innovative resources and provide access of advanced resources to enterprises.

Since this year, grounded on distinctive industrial layout in Foshan, FHIDZ has commenced the matchmaking activities among three cities, Shenzhen, Mianyang and Foshan. It is expected to share experience and promote industrial integration. Furthermore, the Express (Sci-tech Achievement Transformation CooperationCooperation) event has been introduced to Hong Kong for the first time, achieving resource collaboration on over 50 upgrading requirements from Foshan’s manufacturing industry. It has fostered the integration between Hong Kong innovation resources and Foshan industry.

Gather resources to create the first municipal enterprise service resource pool

Great enterprise service is crucial to achieve high-quality enterprise development and construct the most friendly manufacturing area. Sci-tech development and service improvement are two major goals of FHIDZ's plan.

From this year, FHIDZ has selected the first batch of 78 excellent service institutions across the city to create the "Biz Foshan, Best for You" enterprise service resource pool. It covers seven major categories, digitalization, internationalization, intellectual property and achievement transformation, human resources, finance and enterprise management. In terms of service range, it provides diverse and comprehensive special services along the whole life span of enterprises, including processes like registration, development and public listing.

Talents for technology innovation is another important resources. To stimulate the introduction of innovative talents and transformation and upgrading of traditional industries in Foshan, FHIDZ has invested 263 million yuan in the past 3 years. Over 74 high-quality talent group projects, and 300 advanced talents in the fields of advanced equipment manufacturing, new materials and latest information technology have been introduced.

In 2020, six national departments including the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education, has issued a joint document to further enhance the technology innovation. It suggested that institutions with national technology planned projects should release more positions for research assistants.

In response, FHIDZ has taken the lead in action. By August this year, FHIDZ has released over 1,350 positions for research assistants, doubling the targeted amount. In addition to remarkable contribution to introducing talents and easing difficulty of employment, it also provides excellent talents to enterprises and optimizes talent structure.

Innovation would be enhanced greatly once technology meets the enterprise requirements. Commented by Hu Xuejun, they will collect the demand of enterprises from multi channels and utilize resource across various platforms. Their ambition is to provide comprehensive service to enterprises, assisting the development and expansion.