The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

2023 Tech Transformation Cooperation (Beijing) and High-end Talents to Foshan Conference was successfully held in Beijing 2023-10-20

On September 21st, the opening ceremony of 2023 Torch Sci-tech Achievement Transformation Cooperation (Beijing) and High-end Talents to Foshan Conference was held in the China Hall of Science and Technology, aiming to make full use of intelligent power from Beijing to foster the development of manufacturing industry in Foshan. Over 100 participants, including representatives from companies of Foshan National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, universities in Beijing, research institutions, industrial parks and sci-tech companies, and Foshan's high-end talents in Beijing, have attended the event.


At the event site

Focus on industrial needs and improve achievement transformation to boost company development

There is a saying: wherever there is home, there are made-in-Foshan products. It indicates that Foshan manufacturing industry covers vast fields and massive varieties, with over 80% of them are used in daily life. As a key driving force in sci-tech innovation and industry upgrading, Foshan National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as FHIDZ) strives to build one modern industrial system based on advanced manufacturing industry, therefore, promoting the reputation of Foshan manufacturing industry.

Stated by Lv Xianzhi, Secretary of the Party Committee of Torch Hi-tech Industry Development Center, since the regular operation in 2019, Torch Sci-tech Achievement Transformation Cooperation has built a comprehensive five-party linking mechanism among the government, universities, enterprises, investment institutions and service institutions. It has now become one nationwide influential public service brand of achievement transformation. This year, FHIDZ focuses on the upgrading needs of intelligent manufacturing and advanced equipment industry in digitization, intelligentization and advancement, and held this matchmaking event in Beijing with enterprises' requirements, which symbolizes one important step of Foshan integrating sci-tech innovative resources, cultivating strategic emerging industry and future industry, forming new quality productivity, and introducing new forces for development.

Guangdong has placed sci-tech achievement transformation at the priority list. Led by Hi-tech Industrial Development Zones and industrial clusters, the integration between technology supply and industrial needs has been improved, resulting in a consistent increase in transformation rate. In 2022, 47,892 pieces of technological contracts registration were confirmed and the contract turnover has reached 452.54 billion yuan, claiming the national top 2 ranking, said by An Jianguang, second-tier inspector of the Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province.

This year marks the fifth time of FHIDZ holding sci-tech achievement transformation cooperation event, also the second year since the establishment of Foshan Talents Day and Foshan Entrepreneur Day. Guided by the municipal instruction, FHIDZ has placed talents at a primary place to achieve four major goals, creating an innovative place for advanced independent technologies, a place filled with modern industrial clusters, a welcoming place for high-end talents in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA), and a perfect place for specialized enterprise service, stated by Hu Xuejun, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee, and director of the management committee of FHIDZ.

Located in the key area in the GBA, this event held in Beijing would further enhance the technology collaboration and talent communication between Foshan and Beijing, build a bridge between Beijing sci-tech power and Foshan industries, and foster the regular collaboration in the fields of sci-tech achievement transformation and high-end talents communication.

Establish platform and improve service to ensure technology application

Since this year, FHIDZ has adopted the pattern of developing technology and service simultaneously. By improving the comprehensive strength of manufacturing industry, it aims to enhance the level of manufacturing industry in FHIDZ, eventually contributing to the construction of Foshan's modernization. The holding of such events has collected about 400 pieces of sci-tech achievements from universities and research institutions, and successfully matched over 230 pieces of industrial needs in FHIDZ, either general requests or customized needs.

The first step of serving enterprises is to find the potential ones. Recently, 2022 Annual Ranking of Enterprises with Innovation Points in FHIDZ was released, with 100 sci-tech enterprises listed. Making active investment in sci-tech innovation, digitization and intelligentization, and playing a leading role in respective industries are the share characters of these enterprises. The next key question is how to speed up their development. In this year, FHIDZ has launched Industrial Digitization and Intelligentization Upgrading Lab and Start-up Acceleration Lab. By introducing methods like service acceleration and investment promotion, it aims to assist enterprises in development and expansion. Remarkably, 80 member enterprises of the first batch of Start-up Acceleration Lab have achieved an 12.6% increase in total turnover.

Meanwhile, investment and financing matchmaking conferences have been held constantly to provide financing guideline for Foshan's enterprises. The conferences strengthen the connection among innovation chain, industrial chain, service chain and capital chain, broaden the channels for sci-tech achievement transformation, hence, stimulating the economic development. Supported by V-Next Platform of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, it collaborates with investment institutions and financial banks, providing financial support to sci-tech innovation and achievement transformation.

Build a talent hub and encourage innovation to attract talents

Beijing is considered as the talent center and innovation hub of China, with over 90 colleges and universities providing over 300 thousand graduates annually. Piling on manufacturing industry for Fohsan's development, Foshan has gradually built a modern industrial system with complete categories and supporting facilities, which provides solid foundation for the settlement of sci-tech projects and high-end talents. The launch of 2023 High-end Talents to Foshan event will further strengthen the cooperation of Beijing Sci-Tech Resources + Foshan Industry.


The launching ceremony of 2023 High-end Talents to Foshan

During the event, FHIDZ has visited multiple innovation institutions and platforms like HICOOL Business School and Zhizao Avenue in Zhongguancun. They have conducted in-depth discussion on how to take advantage of Beijing's sci-tech resources, establish collaboration mechanism of Beijing Sci-Tech Resources + Foshan Industry, eventually boosting the application of Beijing's sci-tech achievements in Foshan's industrial layout. At the event site, FHIDZ demonstrated supporting facilities, industrial layout and talent policy, and also released over 30 scientific managerial positions. Specifically, Ji Hua Laboratory was recruiting talents in the fields of electronics, optics, materials, machinery, software and etc. Xianhu Laboratory was seeking for postdoctoral researchers. Guangdong Brunp Recycling Technology Co., LTD, subsidiary of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., LTD, also expressed its demand for senior R&D engineers in the fields of lithium resource development.

To adopt talent strategy and improve talent cultivation, experts from university incubation alliance, achievement transformation institutions, industrial park, R&D institution and community organization have been invited by FHIDZ to be the consultants of Talent Introduction Program. Through the upgrading of talent introduction mechanism and regular matchmaking activities between industries and talents, it is expected to attract more high-end talents with sci-tech projects and key technologies to settle down here.


The consultant appointment ceremony of FHIDZ Talent Introduction Program

Since the release of Measures of the special guidance funds for high-tech industrialized entrepreneurship teams in FHIDZ in 2020, FHIDZ has offered around 270 million yuan supportive funds to 74 talent group projects. It has introduced over 220 high-end talents, established the the talent brand of FHIDZ, attracted the gathering of high-end talents and achieved remarkable scientific results. Furthermore, over 300 million yuan public capital was involved to boost the sci-tech achievement transformation.

As China has stepped into a new phase of development, FHIDZ is also required to adjust to new environment, new goal and standard. With eyes on global environment and opportunities, FHIDZ will strive to build an innovative high-tech industrial park. By conducting regular sci-tech achievement transformation cooperation events, FHIDZ will make it into a key brand event to stimulate the achievement transformation in the long term.