The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Foshan New City Welcomes Two Remarkable Public Schools in Collaboration with South China Normal University

Source: 2023-08-25

On August 23, a groundbreaking ceremony was held at the Foshan City Exhibition Hall and a partnership agreement was signed between the People's Government of Shunde District, the People's Government of Lecong Town, and South China Normal University to establish two public schools: Lecong Junior Middle School Affiliated to South China Normal University and Lecong Elementary School Affiliated to South China Normal University, marking their official launching in Foshan New City.

Simultaneously, the names of the two schools were unveiled, signifying the infusion of South China Normal University's premium educational resources into these schools, propelling Foshan New City's public service infrastructure to new heights.

South China Normal University Affiliated Lecong Elementary School

Planned as a collaborative effort between the People's Government of Shunde District, the People's Government of Lecong Town, and South China Normal University, the Lecong Elementary School project covers a land area of 58,981 square meters, with a total construction area of 67,898 square meters. The school will accommodate 72 classes, providing 3,240 high-quality student placements. The project's investment accounts to around 500 million yuan. Currently in the construction phase, the school aims to commence operations by September 2024.

Being among the first batch of schools to adopt fresh design concepts in Shunde, the campus design draws inspiration from Lingnan-style academies and natural settlements. It aims to blend elements of gardens and farmland, scholarly institutions and communities, order and vitality, as well as modernity and regional heritage in a unique Lingnan-style campus.

South China Normal University Affiliated Lecong Junior Middle School

Covering an area of 64,054.53 square meters, the South China Normal University Affiliated Lecong Junior Middle School project encompasses a total construction area of approximately 92,881 square meters, with a total investment of around 470 million yuan. The school will accommodate 54 classes and provide 2,700 student placements. Designed as a full boarding public junior middle school, it is the second project under the "Most Beautiful School Action Plan" in Shunde. The school's conceptual design revolves around the theme of "Astronomical Exploration," and it is currently undergoing detailed planning.

Liu Jianwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of South China Normal University, expressed that the university will leverage its strengths in teacher education, integrate basic educational resources, deploy experienced education teams, and ensure the substantial development of the schools. The goal is to establish these schools as exemplary institutions driven by first-class education and teaching quality, supported by reforms and innovations.

Education stands as a crucial city service system for attracting and retaining talent. Over the years, Foshan New City has prioritized educational development, considering it a strategic imperative. Efforts have been directed towards introducing high-quality educational forces and propelling regional economic growth.

Currently, the region has successfully introduced top-tier education brands like "South China Normal University," "Foshan No. 1 Middle School," and "Shunde No. 1 Middle School." Led by prominent school leaders and fortified by high-quality teachers, this initiative is poised to refine urban amenities, enhance talent attraction, and elevate the city's quality and competence.

Up next, Foshan New City will continue to bolster foundational education quality, upgrade urban amenities, and create an educational hub so as to attract premium companies and talents, further transforming the region into a fertile ground for talent gathering, intellectual flourishing, and enterprise advancement.