The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

AI Development Conference focuses on Nanhai's industrial upgrading 2023-06-15

On June 13, the Nanhai Big Data Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Conference was held in Guicheng, with the release of the achievements of Nanhai's AI industry and the announcement of a series of substantive measures to be implemented promptly. At the meeting, the Nanhai Big Data Artificial Intelligence Industry Base was unveiled, marking the offical establishment of the Nanhai Big Data Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance.



In the field of AI +traditional industry, Nanhai focuses on traditional industries with advantages, such as jewelry and jade, furniture manufacturing, metal products, textiles and garments, exploring AI innovation and application scenarios.



Talent is another important element in the development of the AI industry. In order to cope with the talent gap, the conference points out that Nanhai will increase the cultivation of talents in the AI industry, jointly reserve and deliver talents for local algorithm research and development, data annotation through industry-university cooperation and project cooperation.



The Nanhai Big Data Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance has attracted more than 60 enterprises and institutions, promoting the development of the big data artificial intelligence industry in the Nanhai.


Next, Nanhai will continuously focus on the "AI model + traditional industry" model, actively integrate industrial resources, deepen industrial interaction, promote resource sharing and supply and demand matching, and therefore stimulate industrial vitality.