The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Guangdong FTZ to further improve "soft connectivity" with Hong Kong and Macao 2023-06-26

Guangdong Free Trade Zone (FTZ) topped its task of further improving connectivity with Hong Kong and Macao in terms of investment, trade, financing, legal services and mutual recognition of professional qualification, according to a priority list for China's FTZs during the 2023-2025 period by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) recently.


As the country marks the 10th anniversary of its pilot FTZ construction, the country's FTZs will push forward 164 priorities from 2023 to 2025, including major institutional innovation, key industries, platform construction, and significant projects and activities, according to the ministry.

Regarding Guangdong FTZ, efforts will be made to specific financial platforms, including Guangzhou Futures Exchange and Greater Bay Area Bond Platform, aiming to serve the high-quality economic development and the Greater Bay Area.

Also, importance will be attached to improving the logistics and custom clearances in port hubs such as Nansha Port and Shekou Port by utilizing preferential policies of "Bay Area One Port" mode and the "combined ports" and facilitating the free flow of goods in and out of the Greater Bay Area.

More specifically, Nansha Area is encouraged to beef up its sci-tech research and infrastructure efforts. Qianhai & Shekou Area will explore cooperation modes on legal services between the mainland, HK & Macao SARs, and China and foreign countries. 

Hengqin Area is scheduled to reinforce cooperation with Macao in civil affairs and speed up the Macau New Neighbourhood project, which integrates a quality living space, education, health and social services to facilitate Macao residents to live and work in Hengqin