The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

103 major projects launched in Foshan in Q1 2023-01-31

On January 29, the launching ceremony of major projects and the groundbreaking ceremony of the Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park of Foshan Airport Economic Zone were held in Gaoming District. Five districts in Foshan are determined to make a good start in developing major projects.

In the first quarter of 2023, a total of 103 major projects with an investment of 85 billion yuan are planned to be launched in Foshan, including 79 industrial projects, 19 infrastructure projects and 5 projects related to people's livelihood. The planned annual investment is 13 billion yuan.

In order to give full play to the role of major projects and special bond projects in leveraging effective investment, Foshan has received 35 billion yuan of pre-approved special bonds in 2023, ranking first among prefecture-level cities in Guangdong Province.

With a total planned area of 226.48 square kilometers, the ten innovation-led characteristic manufacturing parks are the important starting point for Foshan to focus on manufacturing and build a world-class advanced manufacturing base.

Since 2022, Foshan has continued to build a first-class business environment, promoted the construction of ten innovation-led characteristic manufacturing parks at a high level, and vigorously developed strategic emerging industries and strategic pillar industries. Therefore, it is to support the high-quality development of manufacturing industry in Foshan.