The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

Talent base settles in Lishui, Nanhai 2022-10-31

On October 28, the signing and opening ceremony of the Talent and Science and Innovation Acceleration Base of Foshan National Torch Innovation Pioneering Park (Lishui) (hereinafter referred to as "Torch Park Lishui Base") was held in Lishui, Nanhai.


Torch Park Lishui Base is a talent accelerator platform jointly built by Foshan Talent Group and the Lishui Government. It is the first external cooperation and investment project since the establishment of Foshan Talent Group and the second innovation platform among what Lishui has introduced recently.

After the opening of the base, it will introduce information technology, new materials, intelligent equipment and other advanced manufacturing industries and their upstream and downstream supporting industries and other strategic emerging industry projects to help transform and upgrade industries in Lishui.


At present, six high-quality enterprises and projects have settled in the Torch Park (Lishui) and seven strategic cooperation agencies formed strategic partnerships with the base.