The People's Government of Foshan Municipality

One code used as health, transport & nucleic acid test results

Source: 2022-05-05

In order to deliver a more seamless transport experience to citizens in Foshan, "Foshan Transport Code" (佛山市乘车码) has been upgraded to "Foshan traffic e-code" ("佛山交通e码").

Presented by Guangfo Tong Co., Ltd (广佛通公司), the new code incorporates transport code and health code, and displays most recent nucleic acid test results.

With just one single code, passengers are allowed to take all buses and subway lines in Foshan and Guangzhou.

Applicable to:

All buses in Foshan

All lines on Foshan Rail Transit (including Foshan Metro Line 2, Guangfo Line, and Trams

All buses and subways in Guangzhou

How to register?

Step 1: Scan the QR code below or search "广佛通" on WeChat Apps to enter the home page

Step 2: Click in “去乘车” and apply

Step 3: Click to agree the user agreement and type in your payment password to activate password-free payment

Step 4: Finish real-name registration, facial recognition and confirm to authorize health code information